Aims and Scope

Inquietude is the journal for undergraduate and graduate students in philosophy, from the Federal University of Goiás (UFG). It is a scientific journal published every six months, in accordance with the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and publishes unpublished philosophical texts: articles, translations, reviews and interviews. Currently, quadrennium 2017-2020, Inquietude has reached QUALIS B3 in the area of Philosophy.  Indexed internationally in several systems of indexing scientific journals, Inquietude aims to value the philosophical production of students. Created in 2010, the journal provides a space for students to make their research public, filling a gap in the national academic scene, given the scarcity of journals with this profile. However, the journal is open to publication of research at any academic level, which includes professors/teachers and experts from other areas with a willingness to broaden the philosophical debate. With consolidated experience in supporting international scientific events and research groups from various states of Brazil, Inquietude also partners with philosophical congress organizations and leaders of research groups to prepare special dossiers, published in thematic editions. Inquietude has an active involvement in the philosophical academic environment, participating in various activities related to its area, from interviews granted to TV programs to round-tables in conferences to discuss issues relevant to the publication of philosophical material.