Call for Papers - Dossier "Philosophy and Psychoanalysis"


Philosophy contributes with a critical and analytical look on fundamental issues, such as ethics, knowledge and existence, while psychoanalysis, developed by Freud, explores the unconscious, psychological mechanisms and emotional dynamics. It is already known that philosophy and psychoanalysis have the power to dialogue and integrate with a variety of other disciplines, such as social sciences, neuroscience, literature, art and politics. This enriches understanding in various areas of knowledge and promotes more robust interdisciplinary thinking. Both philosophy and psychoanalysis offer deep perspectives on human nature, exploring issues such as the mind, consciousness, desires, and motivations. Also, the issues facing humanity today, such as climate change, social inequalities, political and technological crises, require a multidimensional approach. Philosophy and psychoanalysis provide conceptual and critical tools to deal with these issues in a more informed and responsible manner.


Inquietude invites researchers and scholars to submit articles for the thematic dossier "Philosophy and Psychoanalysis." This dossier seeks to explore the intersections, dialogues and tensions between these two fields of knowledge, encouraging critical approaches, theoretical and practical that enrich the understanding of both domains.


We welcome articles addressing, among other topics:

- The psychoanalytic reading of classical philosophical texts;

- The influence of philosophy on psychoanalysis and vice versa;

- Epistemological and methodological questions in psychoanalytic practices;

- Philosophical analyses of the psychoanalytic theories of Freud, Lacan, Jung and others;

- Contributions of psychoanalysis to ethics and politics;

- Philosophical interpretations of psychoanalytic concepts such as the unconscious, the drive and the transfer.


Submissions must follow the journal’s editorial guidelines, available on our website.


Submission deadline: December 31, 2024

Publication plan: First half of 2025

Submissions should be sent to: 

General questions and queries about the proposal of the Dossier to: