A Brazilian reception of Foucault’s works

Three moments


  • Felipe Luiz Federal University of São Carlos




Carlos Nelson Coutinho, José Guilherme Merquior, Ivan Domingues, Archeology of knowledge, Anarchism


The objective of the present paper is to analyze three moments of the reception of Foucault in Brazil in the last sixty years, through the comparison and perusal of three authors of different traditions: the Marxist Carlos Nelson Coutinho, the liberal José Guilherme Merquior and professor Ivan Domingues. The central issue is the reception and critique of The order of things, although other elements of Foucault’s thought are considered. At last, measuring the value of the critiques, we seek to extract a philosophical corollary from Foucault, through the pointing out of his kinship with the anarchist branch of socialism.


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How to Cite

LUIZ, Felipe. A Brazilian reception of Foucault’s works: Three moments. Inquietude, Goiânia, v. 15, n. 1, p. 8–21, 2024. DOI: 10.59780/vdco3116. Disponível em: https://revistainquietude.com.br/index.php/inquietude/article/view/28. Acesso em: 21 sep. 2024.


