Memory at the point of relation between subject and form




Memory, Subject, Form, Philosophy, Psychology


Our objective here is to investigate the concept of memory at the point of relation between subject and form through a reflective path starting within the context of Berkeley-Locke-Kant’s theory of knowledge and entering to dialogue with traits of Lacan’s psychoanalysis, Krishnamurti’s psychology, education for autistic people by Deligny and transhumanism explained by Flusser. The methodology starts from a historical philosophical basis and develops into autonomous approaches to the issue. If considerations about the perception of form traditionally lead to the conclusion that this is the result of repetition, its limits and meanings, that is, “memory”, and that the process of intention and fixing the form, whether of the subject or of any other figure of knowledge, is established by thought, one can predict that a certain reverence for form would express a spiritual rigidity that would be said analogous to an anti-philosophy in the sense of an anti-doubt. Doubt, as a refusal of established thought, secures philosophy as the very being that, although it forges and originates thought and, consequently, memory, is transcendent to it. So, it remains for philosophy to avoid the rigidification of memory by having to deal with the paradox of dealing with it.


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How to Cite

SOCIO, Luama. Memory at the point of relation between subject and form. Inquietude, Goiânia, v. 15, n. 1, p. 58–70, 2024. DOI: 10.59780/kpam4530. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 sep. 2024.


