
  • Vol. 15 No. 1 (2024)



    If we start to present the number by the image, there is much of the diversity of works that is strengthened in the artist’s Prismatic. Not reflection, but the refractory transformation into colors of a monotonous beam of light, can impress the doubt imbricated in an idea - in education, memory, (dis)information, in the "harsh" of teaching, in tradition...

    Thus, polishing the doubt in the sacrilege of vilification of a contemporary canon, Felipe Luiz invites to the Foucaultian reading of a Foucault that, crossing the prism of A Brazilian reception of [his] work, shows itself more diverse and colorful than perhaps only a beam of its entourage assumes valid. In reality, central problems - of political and epistemic order - seem to arise when one ignores or seeks to deny, to hide, there it is, to vilify the temerity of an author before contradictions, their own...

    As for episteme or, rather, the formative process it implies or with which it incites, Fernando Bonadia de Oliveira demonstrates, with the mastery of a philosophy teacher, the "craggy" of the classroom, as if it were the backlands, whose thorns of the Spinozan contribution to the teaching of philosophy give glimpses of the "track" of affection, of life on its paths, by which an understanding is formed, a philosophy... Prudent, but restless, let us not be deceived by the illusion of the Rosean Devil in the land of the sun! Rosa, but also Espinosa have something to teach on how the figure of a mistake cannot be more than a "hornet's nest" that affects us, modulates our ingenuity that grinds the way ahead, of a(n) (in)discipline that needs time in its space, space in its time...

    In order to open new paths in the teaching-learning of the prismatic philosophy we propose, João Batista Ferreira Filho baptizes us with his disturbing analysis of closed "trails" - not even misdirections! - of the digital bubbles we inflate, to the point that Fake news and epistemic agency in the politics of disinformation become strategy to undermine, also deceive the minds that do not conform, but that are misinformed and let themselves be pressed by the status quo, as if serving a banquet, as the banquet itself of those who delight, and wallow, in the unhealthy echoing "public opinion." One of the implications Ferreira Filho imprints us with is that of a pretentious judging autonomy of the subject who, tragically or comically, if not as self-satire, is led to believe they know by the form of their mould...

    But, well, if it all comes down to the form of a set of memories, experiences, abstractions... would the doubt, in the slightest, not fit as the counterpoint of these bubbles crystallized in chambers?

    At least this question makes us believe the arachnian work of Luama Socio is necessary: the interlacing of space-time in the mind, on the verge of the infamous transhuman, poses us the challenge of dealing with new physiopsychological complexions arising in the age of algorithmic memory, of crystals of uninformed echo, which the still-doubting philosophy eludes. However, with Memory at [this] point of relation between subject and form, the relations seem to be hampered in the paradox pointed out by the author, about the need to harden the memory before the all-refractory informational flow unto attempts to memorize, perhaps, to recall a story, reconfiguring itself with each step of the in vitro enclosed spider which seeks to firm up in its web, waiting for an attack that helps it feed, assuming a prey seized...

    Nevertheless, it becomes difficult to understand who - or what! - is that "spider". Even though, it is not as if we could not see the multicolored refraction of the Articles in the Review Luan de Oliveira Vieira presents us with, of the weaving of the various ways Adorno's Education for maturity proposes to resist the mere status quo moulding. Here we gain a vigor again, that drives us to break the totalitarian cloister, whose walls cannot be the limit of a life willing to live, not to suffocatingly die, nor as a victim of an experiment under total control which, in fact, is itself subject to crises and ruptures, whether it got them planned or not...


    With the (dis)pleasure of doubt,


    The editing.





    André Vinícius Dias Carneiro (UFG, Goiânia, GO, Brasil)

    Carlos Wagner Benevides Gomes (UEC, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil)

    Cristiane Maria Marinho (UECE, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil)

    Daniela Giorgenon (UNIP, São José do Rio Preto, SP, Brasil)

    Emanuelle Beserra de Oliveira (UFC, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil)

    Felipe Gustavo Soares da Silva (FAST, Nazaré da Mata, PE, Brasil)

    Juliana Moroni (Unesp, Marília, SP, Brasil)

    Marcio Francisco Teixeira de Oliveira (UERJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil)

    Marcelo Masson Maroldi (USP, São Paulo, SP, Brasil)

    Pedro Rogério Sousa da Silva (UFC, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil)

  • Vol. 14 No. 2 (2023)

    Greetings readers,

    Inquietude returns in this new edition with extended reflections from the reflections of the philosophical past, as well as critical reviews in source research on disturbing aspects of our present.

    From the beginning, Adelino Pereira da Silva throws us directly into the reflective whirlwind about what we call "post-modern thinking" in the history of philosophy, with his text Beyond modernity: An analysis of postmodern in philosophy. For this, it uses a recollection about what is meant by "reason," and how the safest port of the "philosophical pier" becomes the central object of the most severe criticism.

    Still in the yearnings of more recent themes, we will be presented by Aline Brasiliense dos Santos Brito how the concepts of "will" and "drive" call into question the works of Freud and Schopenhauer, in her article entitled Notes about the references of Freud to Schopenhauer: Trieb and Wille. As she points out, Schopenhauer is attentive, in part of his writings, to the concept of drive (Trieb), while Freud, although he has a reticent relationship with philosophy, turns to philosophical readings and with some Kantian inspiration begins to reflect on the idea of will (Wille).

    Leaving behind what is more recent, André Pereira da Silva takes us to the old sages, retrieving the practical impulse of a philosophy linked to life, in his Lessons from Epicurus: Philosophy as a way of life. It is here that we are pointed perceptions about philosophy taken as an activity aimed at the achievement of pleasures and the conquest of happiness.

    Advancing in this philosophical space-time, Carlos Cassiano Gomes Leite seeks to think ethical and political implications through conceptual claims of the work of Spinoza, by Laurent Bove and Mark Fisher, in his brilliant writing named Considerations about a certain Spinozist presence in the work of Laurent Bove and Mark Fisher. By presenting the approach of the authors mentioned to concepts such as "autonomous project of the crowd" and the Spinozan concept of "entity," Carlos Leite seeks to challenge the work of both to think politics as a power of inalienable institutional strength.

    At the end of our journey, Lucas Ribeiro Vollet provides us with an article written in English, named Examining ideological premises in Frege’s semantics: An investigation of some standards of uniforming thinking about meaning in the beginnings of analytic philosophy. Bringing us back to the historical assumptions that influenced the reflexive clashes of the first article, Lucas Vollet resumes observations about the philosophical influences attributed to Frege, before the first phase of analytical philosophy, understanding how the conceptions of the attribution of values of truth based on semantic parameters come together in harmony with popular sociological perspectives regarding communication and understanding of what is communicated.

    It is with the pleasure of the flickering of a boat in the waves of a vast ocean that we look at such articles, jumping from age to age in order to investigate topics aimed both for conceptual analysis and for the practical implications of human life, that are unquestionably permeated by philosophy.




    The editing.





    Alessandro Bandeira Duarte (UFRRJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil)

    Bruno Abilio Galvão (UERJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil)

    Cristiane Maria Marinho (UECE, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil)

    Cristiano Bonneau (UFPB, João Pessoa, PB, Brasil)

    Diogo Barros Bogéa (UERJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil)

    Dirceu Arno Krüger Junior (UFPEL, Pelotas, RS, Brasil)

    Douglas Moisés Pinheiro Carré (UFSM, Santa Maria, RS, Brasil)

    Eduardo Carli de Moraes (UFG, Goiânia, GO, Brasil)

    Evandro Carlos Godoy (IFSul, Sapucaia do Sul, RS, Brasil)

    Felipe Assunção Martins (UFG, Goiás, GO, Brasil)

    Helrison Silva Costa (UFMG, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil)

    José Francisco de Andrade Alvarenga (PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil)

    Karen Elena Costa Dal Castel (UFSC, Florianópolis, SC, Brasil)

    Marcos Adriano Zmijewski (Unespar, União da Vitória, PR, Brasil)

    Marcos Roberto Damásio da Silva (UECE, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil)

    Matheus Romero de Morais (USP, São Paulo, SP, Brasil)

    Sérgio Mendonça Benedito (USP, São Paulo, SP, Brasil)

  • Vol. 14 No. 1 (2023)

    Inquietude comes to toast the transition of a new moment with this number that, philosophically, takes us by the (mis)steps of the cultural phenomenon.

    We start the trajectory with a Hegelian approach to consciousness that allows us to explore horizons perhaps not previously seen with the Japanese art: the work of Francisco Elton Martins de Souza and Matheus Tomaz Maia shows how this is effective in the alchemical game of truth of Fullmetal Alchemist.

    After a contact with the symbolism of transmuted truth, nothing more encouraging than the reading track of Cassirer's Essay on man proposed by Franscisco Gustavo de Souza Flor, to confront human signs of culture and their vital particularities.

    In this symbolic agonism, life becomes meaningless, with the risk of a language that no longer serves the communicative vitality: to this the ethics of Habermas' Discourse proposes a solution that Gabriel Andrade Coelho Moreira presents us in a very lively way, in an attempt to recover the world of life from a pathological rationality.

    As in a pass not so much of magic, but philosophical reflection, Lana Helena da Silva dos Santos resumes the active undertaking of Hannah Arendt to regain consciousness for a political activity that does not intend to reduce itself to the mere contemplation of "magic passes," but of a transformation of forces that restructure the ways of cultivating and worshipping the world.

    Finally, in this adventure through the swampy terrain of (un)conscious activity, Luiza Aparecida Bello Borges leads the person willing to explore these (mis)steps - with Inquietude - to an attempt to (re)establish values on the ethic-phenomenological way of Husserl and Max Scheler.

    For the appreciation of a formative result of (human) culture, so far, Inquietude suggests the artifice of a generative AI capable of (re)combining symbols of an archetypal Alchemy of the cultural power of consciousness...


    The editing.





    Adriana Carvalho Novaes (USP, São Paulo, SP, Brasil)

    Adriano Ricardo Mergulhão (UEL, Londrina, PR, Brasil)

    Aline Matos da Rocha (UnB, Brasília, DF, Brasil)

    Ana Carolina Borges de Lacerda (UEG, Inhumas, GO, Brasil)

    Bergkamp Pereira Magalhães (UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil)

    Caius Cesar de Castro Brandão (UFG, Goiânia, GO, Brasil)

    Carla Vanessa Brito de Oliveira (IFBA, Santo Amaro, BA, Brasil)

    Claudio Alexandre Figueira Gomes (UFG, Goiânia, GO, Brasil)

    Darley Alves Fernandes (UFAL, Maceió, AL, Brasil)

    José Luiz de Oliveira (UFSJ, São João del-Rei, MG, Brasil)

    Lucas Nogueira do Rêgo Monteiro Villa Lages (UFPI, Teresina, PI, Brasil)

    Mariana de Mattos Rubiano (Unifesp, São Paulo, SP, Brasil)

    Rafael Rodrigues Garcia (Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brasil)

    Renato Moscateli (UFG, Goiânia, GO, Brasil)

    Tessa Moura Lacerda (USP, São Paulo, SP, Brasil)

    William de Siqueira Piauí (UFS, São Cristóvão, SE, Brasil)

  • Vol. 13 No. 2 (2022)

    With joy and lightness, Inquietude brings to the public the number that marks the end of a crisis. But when it comes to subjectivity, thought, human history, orientation and language, how plausible is speaking in the absence of crises?

    It seems a pressing question, which underlies and is glimpsed in the present issue.

    On Language, rule and behavior, João Henrique Lima Almeida delves into Wittgenstein’s considerations of linguistic scope through a practice that expresses the spirit of a symbology of its own.

    Next, Rafael dos Santos Ongaratto presents the theme, which does not suffer from obsolescence, of the conditions of knowledge and recovers a Kantian way to deal with the necessary relational incongruity of the human body.

    Without further ado, Shênia Souza Giarola traces the points in which Francesco Guicciardini and Nicolau Machiavelli enter into (dis)agreement as to the human divine fortuna of historical forms of government.

    Besides that Victor Fiori Augusto shows even ways of corruptibility notions as the Machiavellian (in)equality, without which there seems to be no politics, daring to reflect Brazil now.

    Finally, there is a less disturbing way to end (to begin) the disturbing approach of this publication, than through the Levinasian ethical asymmetry and the terrifying tale of Clarice Lispector, proposed by Wellington Monteiro’s reading.

    At first, one might think there is a tremendous thematic incoherence that hangs in this Inquietude's issue, although our proposal is to point out how this diversity of points of view finds some harmony among the cracks, even if it is the harmony of a crisis.

    In this sense, we invite the reader, still, to contemplate the critical cover image artificially created by an intelligence as much or as much more able to find iconic subsistence in a brainstorm, which is the formula Symbolic alterations of the human history throughout the political language of conscience.


    The editing.





    Acríssio Luiz Gonçalves (UNA; UniBH, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil)

    Flavia Roberta Benevenuto de Souza (UFAL, Maceió, AL, Brasil)

    Grasiela Cristine Celich (UFSM, Santa Maria, RS, Brasil)

    Hans Christian Klotz (UFG, Goiânia, GO, Brasil)

    Helena Esser dos Reis (UFG, Goiânia, GO, Brasil)

    Lucas Gabriel Feliciano Costa (UFG, Goiânia, GO, Brasil)

    Paulo Henrique Silva Costa (CEFET, Varginha, MG, Brasil)

    Pedro Augusto Pereira Guimarães (UFMG, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil)

    Renato Moscateli (UFG, Goiânia, GO, Brasil)

    Thiago Suman Santoro (UFG, Goiânia, GO, Brasil)